Coronavirus epidemic changed us into YouTubers almost in one night. As we were facing a new challenge we decided to start organizing open music classes for kids online to all the families in Finland and elsewhere. These classes have been […]
Let’s learn the fingers! Paula goes through all the fingers on our hands singing and playing the Finger Song while Ape accompanies with his guitar. This is a fun song that kids love to sing and play along with their […]
Engaging music performances at kids birthday parties are Funky Monkey Club’s specialty which people don’t know about as much as the ongoing kids music programs in Kulosaari and Espoo. Now’s the time to lift the curtain! In the beginning of […]
On this video Paula & Ape perform Itsy Bitsy Spider that is popular on live karaoke sessions at our music classes. Small hand movements make this classic special so sing and play with us as you watch and listen to […]
Mother Niina Suni and her daughter Aino have been taking our Funky Monkey Club music classes at Mommy&Me, Kulosaari, since the beginning of the year 2018 – pretty much right when we started the program. Music loving Aino came into […]
Funky Monkey Club’s video series continues! You can watch and listen to the music videos for kids created by Paula & Ape. Please, have fun at home! The Wheels On The Bus is a classic, that has been our 2-year-old […]
Funky Monkey Club’s video series is starting out! You can watch and listen to the music videos for kids created by Paula & Ape. Please, have fun at home with these – sing and play along! Our music program in […]
Hip Hurray! Funky Monkey Club has reached a toddler age, our company turned one in December. Even though entrepreneurship can be challenging especially during its first year we have had many moments of small victories and lovely encounters with customers. […]
I remember a 6-month-old baby from New York who danced at the music class. Naturally not on his feet. He had just learned to sit without support and now he jammed along music by rhythmically moving his upper body. I […]
“To put it simply, the child enjoys himself”. Our customer questionnaire in the end of our spring season revealed some lovely things. We have succeeded in many things although there is always room for improvement. We are grateful to be […]
One of the most popular songs at Funky Monkey Club is the Animal Song – as the music plays the kids can guess and imitate various creatures. In the Fall 2018 there will be a whole new set of exciting […]
The first official Spring season of Funky Monkey Club is almost over. Time flies when you’re having fun! In April we were at the Child Fair (Lapsimessut) in Helsinki, and in May we sang and played at Espoo Family Event. […]
Let’s all start singing to our precious one! It is always better that you, as a mother or father, sing to your child, rather than play recorded music. The child will see the movement of your mouth, and how the […]
What is it like to live and work in New York City, a highly demanding and dynamic environment? What characteristics are vital to survive in a competitive metropolitan city that praises individualism and grit? Can a certain New York spirit […]